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Searching for "EQ"

Name Type Create date Description Username
ModernSeq other control 01 Nov 2020 Modernized sequence editor that appears in a separate window, which may be quite useful for people using two monitors. Combined with EnvBlock, this allows drawing automation curves for generators and effects, both Buzz and VST. WDE
Enceladus Tube EQ equalizer effect 07 Oct 2017 Tube-like sounding parametric equalizer with three bands. Each band has both the classic adjustments: Boost/cut, frequency and bandwidth, and on top of those, there's also a "mode" and a "drive" parameter. When "drive" is set to 0% it behaves like most other digital EQs. But as soon as drive is above zero, the "Mode" has an effect and controls how the harmonics of the boost will be. It works slightly weird for cutting, so when ducking (boosting by a negative amount) please set Drive to 0% or you will get some fairly odd results. Also, when you increase the amount of boost, you may have to decrease the amount of drive, or vice versa. Boosting in a more rich and beefy way is the main purpose of this plugin. Joachim
Parametric EQ Lin equalizer effect 28 Dec 2016 Parametric linear phase EQ: Parametric Equalizer with inertia support. Add more tracks to get more bands. Make sure you have enabled MachineDelayCompensation in buzz settings, so latency isn't a problem anymore. Low frequency equalization requires long filter lengths. If it's 5ms then it won't work for frequencies lower than 200 Hz. Bigyo
Channel EQ equalizer effect 16 Jun 2012 Channel equalizer with an interesting overdrive on each band (if you give it very loud signals) ld0d
FrequencyShifter pitch effect 19 Jan 2008 Frequency shifter: Hilbert-transformer based frequency shifter. Useful for flanging / phasing effects. Bigyo
SeqStep other control 09 May 2004 Sequence editor step saver: Saves the Step setting in the Sequence Editor along with your file. Also it allows you to program automatic changes of the step value and automatic scrolling of the Sequence Editor view. This is useful if you make a habit of working with strange time signatures or high TPB values. BTDSys
Parametric EQ equalizer effect 05 Sep 2003 Parametric eq: Parametric Equalizer with inertia support. Add more tracks to get more bands. Bigyo
Frequency Bomb additive synth generator 25 Mar 2003 Tone generator: A very simple experimental machine which generates a tone with very fine control over modulation. It's possibe to use a sine, saw, square, triangle or noise waveform. This machine has a build in LFO too. elenzil
ParamEQ equalizer effect 07 Jun 2002 Parametric eq: This effect is a multiband parametric equalizer. Each band can be a peak, a notch or a shelf in the frequency spectrum. Very usefull for mastering. FireSledge
Peak EQ equalizer effect 18 Dec 2000 Equalizer: Single band resonant equalizer effect. Pretty usefull to ajust one frequency. Static
EQ-10 equalizer effect 12 Dec 2000 Equalizer: 10 band graphic equalizer automaton
EQ-7 equalizer effect 11 Dec 2000 Equalizer: 7 band graphic equalizer. automaton
Parametric EQ equalizer effect 11 Dec 2000 Equalizer: Parametric Equalizer. automaton
EqOffset other effect 06 Dec 2000 Offset: Equalizer Offset THC Flatline
EQ-3 equalizer effect 05 Dec 2000 Equalizer: 3 bands equalizer Jeskola
Freq Out other effect 05 Dec 2000 Wave writer: With this machine you can record sound from Buzz to a .wav file. FrequencyUnknown
EQ-10 equalizer effect 04 Dec 2000 Equalizer: A 10 bands Equalizer Rout
Parametirc Eq equalizer effect 03 Dec 2000 Parametirc eq: An Parametirc Equalizer Szudi
Freq In other generator 01 Dec 2000 Wave loader: Harddisk Wave Loader FrequencyUnknown

19 hits in total.