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Chun-Yu's "TouchWah"

Machine info
Create date07 Feb 2001
DescriptionFilter: The TouchWah effect changes the resonance and cutoff of the input. The cutoff is adjusted based on the root mean square (RMS) of the input.
Host typeBuzz
Machine typeEffect
Sub typeFilter
Inputs / outputs-1 out-1 out
Additional info
BuzzWiki articleTouchWah
User descriptionAuthor of the Smooth Overdrive machine.

Download any version of Chun-Yu's "TouchWah" here
32 bit
12 Feb 2001The TouchWah effect changes the resonance and cutoff of the input. The cutoff is adjusted based on the root mean square (RMS) of the input. This is a new Stereo version.
Chun-Yu's TouchWah.dll
32 bit
09 Feb 2001The TouchWah effect changes the resonance and cutoff of the input. The cutoff is adjusted based on the root mean square (RMS) of the input. On this version a major Bug with the parameters is fixed.
Chun-Yu's TouchWah.dll
32 bit
07 Feb 2001The TouchWah effect changes the resonance and cutoff of the input. The cutoff is adjusted based on the root mean square (RMS) of the input.
Chun-Yu's TouchWah.dll