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CyanPhase's "JedShiva"

Machine info
Create date03 Sep 2004
DescriptionMeter: Basically a do-nothing with a VU meter per input (both mono and stereo), and mute\solo buttons (for working on the music, not saved in bmx)
Host typeBuzz
Machine typeEffect
Sub typeOther
Inputs / outputs2 out2 out
Additional info
BuzzWiki articleJedShiva
Real nameEdward L. Blake
Where fromCanada
User descriptionRetrigs, ambient tones, trees

Download any version of CyanPhase's "JedShiva" here
32 bit
27 Apr 2013Optimized compiler settings (now requires SSE2)
32 bit
13 Jan 2012* Fixed font size in order to support Vista and Windows 7 theme.
* Ported to Visual Studio 2010 and added missing labels.
32 bit
05 May 2010Basically a do-nothing with a VU meter per input (both mono and stereo), and mutesolo buttons (for working on the music, not saved in bmx.) Joachim added peak hold and better logarhithms
32 bit
03 Sep 2004Basically a do-nothing with a VU meter per input (both mono and stereo), and mute\solo buttons (for working on the music, not saved in bmx)
CyanPhase JedShivaMeter.dll

Screen shot

