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Fuzzpilz's "Unwiedly Delay 3"

Machine info
Create date29 Nov 2002
NameUnwiedly Delay 3
DescriptionDelay: This Unwiedly Delay is written from scratch and gets rid of most of the old core's problems. For example, it "falls asleep" if there's no output for a while, freeing the CPU. Most notable new feature is the integration with the aux bus.
Host typeBuzz
Machine typeEffect
Sub typeDelay
Inputs / outputs2 out2 out
Additional info
BuzzWiki articleUnwiedly Delay 3
Real nameJakob Katz
Where fromGermany

Download any version of Fuzzpilz's "Unwiedly Delay 3" here
32 bit
29 Nov 2002This Unwiedly Delay is written from scratch and gets rid of most of the old core's problems. For example, it "falls asleep" if there's no output for a while, freeing the CPU. Most notable new feature is the integration with the aux bus.
Fuzzpilz UnwieldyDelay3.dll