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Joachim's "Neptune"

Machine info
Create date09 Nov 2001
DescriptionUnderwater filter: This one sounds like you are under water. The Neptune filter is a spectral manipulation filter that can isolate either tonal audio using the Spec.Clean slider, OR isolate non-tonal audio using the Spec.Dist slider. It also has a weird middle-tone-only pitch shifter that also seems to add a little reverb.

FFT warning: This plugin uses CPU in short spikes which may cause trouble if you are using low-latency outputs such as ASIO out. Using WaveOut or sticking to small FFT sizes will solve clicking/stuttering problems.
Host typeBuzz
Machine typeEffect
Sub typeFilter
Inputs / outputs2 out2 out
Additional info
BuzzWiki articleNeptune
Real nameJoachim Michaelis
Where fromDenmark
User descriptionAfro-inspired dub, house and techno

strange foreign stuff, progressive house, techno, ambient

Download any version of Joachim's "Neptune" here
32 bit
20 Dec 2019Added spectral boost and phase randomizer parameters.
Better FFT windowing. Less stack abuse.
32 bit
11 Jan 2012Optimized for newer CPUs.
32 bit
09 Nov 2001This one sounds like you are under water. The Neptune filter is a spectral manipulation filter that can isolate either tonal audio using the Spec.Clean slider, OR isolate non-tonal audio using the Spec.Dist slider. It also has a weird middle-tone-only pitch shifter that also seems to add a little reverb.
Joachims Neptune.dll

Screen shot

