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Searching for "Devon"

Name Type Create date Description Username
Leslie other effect 04 Mar 2002 Leslie emulator: This is a rotary speaker simulator. It implements basic cabinet modelling and applies modulation to three different frequency sets. Devon
Wahdul filter effect 04 Mar 2002 Filter: Amplitude based wah filter. It uses a simple 2 pole lp resonant filter to add a 'wah' to the sound, based on the amplitude of the incoming wave. This is an improved bugfixed version! Devon
Analog Cruncher other effect 09 Feb 2002 Distortion / filter: Digital emulation of moog-vcf with waveshaper. Devon
FM Distortion distortion effect 09 Feb 2002 Distortion: Distortion based on Frequency Modulation Devon
Whadul filter effect 09 Feb 2002 Filter: Amplitude based wah filter. It uses a simple 2 pole lp resonant filter to add a 'wah' to the sound, based on the amplitude of the incoming wave. Devon

5 hits in total.