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Searching for "Madbrain"

Name Type Create date Description Username
D500 subtractive synth generator 21 Apr 2008 Synth: This rompler synth has 4 oscs and a LPF and ADSR per osc. It includes sampled sounds like piano, rhodes, trumpets, guitars, etc. Madbrain
4fm2f subtractive synth generator 17 Aug 2005 Synthesis - frequency modulation: Frequency Modulation (4 oscillators/operators, filter) Madbrain
Dynamite 6 modeling/simulation generator 17 Aug 2005 Synthesis: physical modelling / waveguide: Physical Modelling / Waveguide (noise source and 6 delay lines) Madbrain
Table Warp synth generator 18 Mar 2002 Synth: This generator is a cross between wavetable and phase distortion synthesis. It's very CPU friendly! Madbrain
Unsign distortion effect 25 Jan 2002 Distortion: Recreates the Alt-A effect from Impulse Tracker. Madbrain
Neater Drive other effect 09 Jan 2002 Freq distortion: This distortion distorts a specific frequency you can select. Madbrain
LeeterDrive distortion effect 25 Jul 2001 Distortion: LeeterDrive is yet another non-linear distortion effect. Madbrain

7 hits in total.