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Searching for "Sgorpi"

Name Type Create date Description Username
Clap drum machine generator 02 Sep 2007 Drum machine (handclap): A clap drum machine, noise based with several options. Could be a nice addition to the ERS series drum machines. Sgorpi
Mean Bassdrum Machine drum machine generator 06 Sep 2006 Kick drum synth: This is a kick drum machine with 2 oscillators and a pitch envelope. It also has a gui with envelopes which can be loaded and saved to files. Sgorpi
MultiTrack Writer other effect 06 Sep 2006 Disk writer: This is a diskwriter effect (thus goes into Gear/Effects), like Morex' WordOut. The difference is that it has one 'mixer' window with for each instance of the plugin a volume slider, record button (to specify that that effect will be recording) and a nice VU meter. The orange/redish color in the VU meter indicates that it will clip in the recorded wave. Sgorpi

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