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Name Type Create date Description Username
Parametric EQ Lin equalizer effect 28 Dec 2016 Parametric linear phase EQ: Parametric Equalizer with inertia support. Add more tracks to get more bands. Make sure you have enabled MachineDelayCompensation in buzz settings, so latency isn't a problem anymore. Low frequency equalization requires long filter lengths. If it's 5ms then it won't work for frequencies lower than 200 Hz. Bigyo
Delay delay effect 12 Oct 2008 Delay: Delay effect with pan, ping-pong, feedback and a build in filter. Bigyo
Earth Plate modeling/simulation generator 12 Oct 2008 Electric piano: Electric Piano - A demo can be heard here. Bigyo
Shaper other effect 12 Oct 2008 Waveshaper: Waveshaper effect Bigyo
Softclip limiter effect 12 Oct 2008 Clipping effect: Variable hardness clipping effect. Bigyo
FrequencyShifter pitch effect 19 Jan 2008 Frequency shifter: Hilbert-transformer based frequency shifter. Useful for flanging / phasing effects. Bigyo
Wood One modeling/simulation generator 07 Sep 2007 Physical modelling: easy to use synth based on some physical modelling techniques Bigyo
Parametric EQ equalizer effect 05 Sep 2003 Parametric eq: Parametric Equalizer with inertia support. Add more tracks to get more bands. Bigyo
Pan pan & stereo effect 09 May 2003 Pan: This advanced panning effect has features like delay on the panning, inertia and a build-in lowpass filter. Bigyo
2p Filter filter effect 06 Dec 2002 Filter: This is a simple 2 pole filter similar to Automaton 2-Pole, but the resonance (Q) is set in dB. Watch out for that resonance slider! Bigyo

10 hits in total.